Warning: This post contains content not suitable for younger audiences.
Parents often enroll their kids in private school to avoid the corrupt public school system. Christian and conservative parents want to teach their kids about sexuality at the appropriate age and from their viewpoint. As angering as this sexualization in public schools is, not all private schools are decent either.
Project Veritas last Wednesday released a video of Joseph Bruno explaining how the LGBTQ+ health center at Francis W. Parker School gave their high school students sex toys. Drag queen Alexis Bevels also came to hand out baked items and take pictures with the students. Parker is a private school in Chicago that seeks to “[educate] students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.” Bruno is the school’s Upper School Dean.
“The most shocking and disturbing investigation that they’ve done.”@MarkDice Breaks Down #ButtPlugDean Investigation pic.twitter.com/lpCuuVDnGn
— Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) December 8, 2022
“They were passing around butt plugs and dildos to my students. Talking about queer sex. Using lube versus using spit,” Bruno said. “The kids are just playing with them. … They’re like, ‘How does this butt plug work?’ … That’s a really, like, cool part of my job.”
When asked if there were any big complaints, Bruno responded, “No, it’s queer sex.”
“Why would I run it by them? They’d be like, ‘Oh my God! That’s wonderful!’,” Bruno said in response to being asked if the Board of Trustees gave approval.
Parker’s high school tuition is around $42,000. For comparison, the tuition cost with room, board, and fees for my college The Master’s University is around $45,800. The tuition cost for my high school Contra Costa Christian Schools is $14,000.
Private education is expensive. Therefore, the education quality should be better than public schools. For a high school to charge almost as much as my college does, the school had better offer an education that equips students to be productive citizens, whether they decide to attend college. The school’s alumni should be better people than those who attended public school or a cheaper private school.
Parker, instead of emphasizing competence in reading, writing, history, math, and science, focuses on diversity and inclusion. Its website in numerous places mentions identity and diversity statistics. Students graduate understanding inclusion, the LGBT community, and queer sex.
The school has deleted its Facebook and Twitter accounts, limiting the public from exposing them further. Parker has also removed its webpage listing Bruno and other Upper School faculty. Bruno’s approval and the school’s silence on the issue are telling. Parker promotes students to live in rebellion to God.

In Genesis 2, God defined marriage as a man “leav[ing] his father and mother” to “cleave to his wife” and “become one flesh.” Yahweh warned Israel in Leviticus 18 to not live sexually immorally, committing any sexual act outside the Biblical definition of marriage. Such behavior, according to Romans 1:32, is “worthy of death.”
Parker is training children to further damn themselves. Parker thinks that teaching children to have open minds about sexuality is good. The result will not be productive citizens but will instead be feminine men and non-submissive women. Sexual immorality also produces children born out of wedlock and the spread of diseases such as HIV and monkeypox. Children learning about sex toys increases the acceleration of societal breakdown.
Parents are to teach their children objective Biblical morality. Ephesians 6:3 commands fathers to “bring [their children] up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” Proverbs 6:20 says, “My son, observe the commandment of your father / And do not abandon the law of your mother.” Schools, whether private or public, should not be teaching children about sexuality.
The only way to reverse this societal breakdown is to return to God’s Word. Parents must live morally in front of their children. Fathers must love their wives while mothers submit to their husbands. Together, they must fulfill Proverbs 22:6 and “Train up a child according to his way.” By instructing their children in the Word, parents teach their children how to conduct pure lives according to Psalms 119:9-11. Through being active in the church, they show their children a godly lifestyle as the body of Christ “stimulate[s] one another to love and good works,” as Hebrews 10:24 says.
Since parents and the church are designed to teach morality and not secular schools, schools must stop teaching children about sex. Parents should pay attention to what teachers are instructing their children and push back against the sexualization of children. Otherwise, this perverse situation will only get worse. We want schools to teach children about the classical liberal arts so that they may be critical-thinking citizens. Make education once more about education.