The Master’s University (TMU) Singers and Orchestra led worship yesterday at the Sunday morning church service for Grace Community Church in Los Angeles, California. Their appearance showcased the college’s Paul T. Plew School of Music.
The University Singers and Orchestra are a choir and an orchestra that are open to students of all majors.
Dr. Paul Plew, the music school’s Professor Emeritus, conducted the University Singers. Benjamin Mason, the Assistant Professor of Music, led the solely instrumental pieces.
In the main service, the University Singers and Orchestra played Christmas songs such as “Sheep May Safely Graze” by Johann Sebastian Bach, “Carol of the Bells” by Peter Wilhousky, and the first and third movements of “Gloria” by John Rutter. Plew then led the congregation in singing “A Festival of Carols,” a medley of the hymns “Joy to the World,” “O Come, All Ye Faithful,” “Silent Night,” and “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.” Faith Burnett sang as a solo the final song “Gesu Bambino” by Pietro Yon.
For the rest of the service, John MacArthur, the church’s pastor, preached on “Winning the Spiritual War” from Ephesians 6:10-13.
“It was a lot of fun. We had to get up really early for it admittedly, and that was tricky, but it was a lot of fun… Getting to help lead the worship with my congregation was actually kind of special,” said Daniel Springer, a University Singers and Grace Church member.
“I think they should come here more often,” said Emerson Coffee, another attendee at Grace Church. “…They’re so professional and it was just kind of like a little taste of heaven, which is really cool.”
TMU also hosted its 38th annual Come Christmas Sing! Concert last weekend with one performance on Friday and two on Saturday. The University Singers and Orchestra performed many of the same songs and more.

TMU students can join either University Singers or the University Orchestra next semester by registering it as a class.
Find out more about the Paul T. Plew School of Music at https://www.masters.edu/music/ .
Learn about Grace Community Church at https://www.gracechurch.org/ .