Jesus came to serve, not to be served.
He wanted His life to be a ransom for many.
He set an example that His legacy might be preserved
So others would follow Him and spread the message at every aveni.
Paul says to esteem others as better than ourselves.
This is the mind of Christ, even though He is equal with God.
So much to find about humility as one delves!
In doing so, we will find in ourselves not to laud.
Remember that Jesus pursued not His fame.
He was beaten beyond recognition.
Jesus did more than raise the dead and heal the lame.
His message of new spiritual life resulted in His crucifixion.
Death to self and spiritual life for all who come
Jesus’ message brought physical death unto Himself,
Yet He loved the world, and death needed to succumb.
So He took His glory and for our sake put it on the shelf.
After dying humiliated on the cross,
Jesus rose on the third day in victory.
Now Jesus resides in heaven as Lord and merciful boss.
We can live devoted to Him without being contradictory.
Now the Holy Spirit dwells in us and informs the will of Christ.
He’ll remind us of the Lord’s example on earth.
Let’s look at that and love others, even those unenticed.
Let’s show all, through sacrifice, our new birth.