As life comes to a close,
You see what you chose,
More than just clothes,
Not just a pose
Grands, Aunts, and Uncles,
Important they are,
So the children are too
You must give ‘em a clue
Bang! The clock has started!
Time with your kids!
Before you are parted!
Do not give them the lid!
What ya gonna do?
Chew on your shoe?
Or give ’em that clue!
They need you!
Time jumps in the lake!
Get up and shake!
Use your time wisely!
Attention they need!
Be there! Be there!
Don’t just say a prayer!
Do something!
To you must they cling!
Be there! Be there!
Trouble they face!
To you must they embrace!
You must give ‘em support!
Be there! Be there!
Actions speak!
Don’t be a geek!
They are louder than words!
Do! Do! Do!
Time you must spend!
This could be the end!
Then you be new!
Be there! Be there!
Desert them not!
Love them a lot!
Be at their side!
Be there! Be there!
I see you’re stalling!
Part of your calling!
Stop just eyeballing!
Be there! Be there!
God, Fam’ly, Friends
This be the order it sends!
What have you done?
Here you are!
At Jesus’ hall!
Don’t just expect a car!
Questions there are!
What did you?
Account for your life!
Not your worries and strife!
What did you do?
Time you spent!
That you lent!
On fam’ly or things?
Answer to the King!
Time is up!
Enter you must!
Into the dust!
The choice is just!
Important is family.
I hope you learned.
I hope you will earn!
This quality type!
That’s not just a hype!
In closing,
Have your choosing!
‘Cause it won’t be all cruising!